Audio Awards 2024 winners

Announced on stage at The Podcast Show 2024, the inaugural @AudioAwards winners are:

Podcast of the Year
Sponsored by Podspike
Media Storm

Podcast Host/Team of the Year
Sponsored by Podspike
Coco Khan (Pod Save the UK)

Podcast Producer/Team of the Year
Sponsored by Podspike
Lou Mensah & Axel Kacoutie

Production Company of the Year

Radio Producer/Team of the Year
Kit Callin

Radio Presenter/Team of the Year
Zakia Sewell (NTS Radio)

Radio Show of the Year
Char Stape on Represent

Audio Artist of the Year
Talia Augustidis

Composer of the Year
Amber Devereux

Editor of the Year
Amber Miller

Immersive Audio Producer of the Year
Weyland McKenzie-Witter

Audio Guide Producer of the Year
Micha Nestor

Equality in Audio Champion
Aradhna Tayal Leach


'UKAN Commended'


introducing... 'UKAN Commended' ~

The UKAN Audio Awards have category winners, however every single eligible nominee is also awarded the title of ‘UKAN Commended’.

So congratulations to everyone on the following list for being an award winning producer/presenter/audio industry member!

The Commended Class of 2024:

Abby Bertics, Anna Perrot, Anna Sinfield, Anouska Lewis, Anthea Bell, April Sumner, Catherine Rinella, Charlie Perry, Christopher Mitchell, Claire Umney, Dave Howard, Erik Bria, Fiona White, Flora Zajicek, Gemma Ware, Graeme Woodcock, Helena Wadia, Jennifer Howard, Jenny Moore, Josh Barry, Jules Rowan, Julia Sutherland, Katie Revell, Kim Montgomery, Kit Milsom, Liam Tait, Lucia Scazzochio, Lucy Mann, Margie Nomura, Mariele Runacre-Beck, Mark McGhee, Martin Starke, Mathilda Mallinson, Megan Hayward, Melitta Dennet, Olga Reed, Pamela Glintenkamp, Paul Gannon, Phoebe Mallinson, Pulama Kaufman, Rachel Balmer, Remi Burgz, Ross Sutherland, Ruchira Sharma, Rufaro Faith Mazarura, Ryan Nile, Sam Jones, Simona Rata, Sophie Little, Sophie Penney, Steve Ashley, Tamsin Collison, Tom Parker, Verity De Cala, Zak Addae-Kodua

If you are on the above list, please consider yourself ‘award winning’, the audio community want you to!

Here is a badge for UKAN Commended members use:

Introducing Co-Chair of Judges

Imriel Morgan
Content is Queen

Jason Phipps
Head of Development
Chalk + Blade

Judging Process

  1. All nominations will be made by UKAN members, exclusively.

  2. The long list will be independently scored according to amount of nominations, per nominee, per category.

  3. The long list will also, seperately, be scored by all judges on how the nominations fulfil the criteria of “uplifting inline with UKAN’s mission of transparency, equity and diversity”

  4. Both these scores will be presented back to the judging panel, and if there is no a clear winner, our co-chairs will decide who wins according to the panel’s scoring.

Celebrate and Uplift

UKAN is the largest network of audio producers in the UK. While most awards always predominantly feature the main producers and biggest podcasts, there is yet to be a space that features producers and companies - not just of podcasts, but all audio.

We will aim to change this with the UKAN Audio Awards. Our free-to-enter system mixed with our no self nominations policy ensures that it can truly be representative of the whole industry, according to the #EqualityInAudio Pact.

Ethos and Theory behind the awards

These have been nominated solely by UKAN members in an innovative (and experimental) format where you're not allowed to nominate yourself, therefore you have to nominate your peers who you believe need and/or deserve an uplift within the industry.

Those nominations are then compiled and judged by a large web of audio professionals spanning every sector of the industry, including company owners, exec producers, commissioners and freelancers from each sector, aiming for very little overlap in scope. Their brief was to select ALL those that they have heard of in the ether, and think deserve or need an uplift.

We purposefully tried to make sure there was no barrier to nomination, therefore no audio or text entry was requested. We can see flaws in this method, however with the web of judges as they are, we actually believe that with the right briefing there is very little bias - especially when the aim is to celebrate and uplift those already within the UKAN audio community and wider industry (UKAN is the largest network of audio producers in the UK).

The co-chairs of judging Imriel Morgan (Content is Queen/Equality in Audio) and Jason Phipps (Chalk + Blade) will review our judges’ total votes and confirm winners, and in the event of a tie will make the final decisions.

The rules of entry are:
- No self-nominations.
- Only nominate those you believe need/deserve and would benefit an uplift inline with UKAN’s aims of Transparency, Equity and Diversity.
- You can nominate the same people for multiple categories, however to uplift as much talent as possible, everyone is only eligible to win one category only (in the event of someone being selected to win multiple categories, the co-chairs of judges will look at judges scores to decide which category they win).


We will fully review this methodology of awards before announcing the 2025 awards, however we believe the ethos and theory behind this methodology is valid and its efficacy is agreed upon by numerous sources, including the UKAN steering group. We will also discuss the Audio Awards process during an upcoming UKAN town hall meeting.

Sponsor the Audio Awards

If you would like to sponsor the ground-breaking,
all-inclusive audio awards in the UK, please email us: