Onstage at The Podcast Show 2023 during UKAN’s State Of The Audio Industry talk, UK Audio Network and Content is Queen announced the intention to launch an up-skilling pipeline to make all DE&I hires not just an attractive prospect, but a preferred candidate.

We feel this is not only possible -but needed- in reaction to the results of the UKAN State Of The Audio Industry Survey 2023. Anecdotally, production company owners have stated that a large percentage of DE&I hires lack the skills needed, and that it makes the prospect of those hires less and less attractive. Through SOUNDSTAGE_, we are ensuring that excuse is no longer valid.

This must change.

Therefore we are calling on the entire audio industry to come together, to increase representation of marginalised professionals with training, opportunities and experience.

We will be contacting the big broadcasters and distributors in due course, we invite EVERYONE interested to email hello@ukaudio.network with the subject “SOUNDSTAGE”.

Over the coming months we will be as transparent as is possible to make this a reality and a jewel in the UK’s creative sector.